The Zen of Innovation
Wikipedia defines Zen as “emphasizing experiential wisdom in the attainment of enlightenment…” Sounds a bit deep and cerebral but it really isn’t. It’s actually quite practical. Almost every organization and certainly the vast majority of Biopharma companies would say that they are innovative. But when you speak with many of these companies, they are quick to share stories about just how challenging it is to innovate. Their experiential wisdom seems to be about the attainment of capital to innovate – not innovation itself. Is there a way to rectify this? I recently read...
Read MoreDoes Size Matter…to Pharma?
Many small Biopharma Consultants like us here at Marenon sometimes feel that we are competing against the ‘Big Boys’. I’m not so sure that we are, or even if we should. Consulting businesses with hundreds of areas of practice, thousands of people, tons of resources and huge marketing budgets have a place in the world and that includes the Biopharma world as well. The scale of these organizations is both massive and impressive and is sometimes needed to help even bigger Pharma companies deal with large transnational business issues. For example, many of these big...
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